31 дек 2021, Madrid

Nationale-Nederlanden San Silvestre Vallecana Popular



Sillas de atletismo
31/12/2021 16:20 10км

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Many thanks for your time in the last call. As we agreed in it, here you can find the next races we will time ourselves. We have many races timed by our customers, but I think it would be better to come in one we operate:
  • 31/12/2021. San Silvestre Vallecana. 35K participants. https://www.sansilvestrevallecana.com/
  • 09/01/2022. 10K Valencia. 12K participants. https://10kvalencia.com/ (The best option in my opinion)
  • 30/01/2022. Carrera Galápagos Valencia. 6K participants. (Also good option)
  • 20/02/2022. Zurich Seville Marathon. 11K participants.
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